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What keeps a car battery alive?

Oct 9

The time a vehicle can sit before its battery runs out depends on how old it is. However, there are steps that you can take to ensure the battery's longevity. These tips will help you maximize the performance of your battery and keep your vehicle running for longer.

Tips for saving battery power when your car is not in use

Your vehicle's battery is an essential component. The battery powers everything, from starting your car to charging all the accessories, and keeps you going. Your vehicle's alternator charges the battery during normal driving conditions. Your battery could be damaged if it sits unattended for a long time. It could also be dangerous if the battery is older than 3 years.

The time a vehicle can sit before its battery runs out depends on how old it is. However, there are steps that you can take to ensure the battery's longevity. These tips will help you maximize the performance of your battery and keep your vehicle running for longer.

Disrupt the security system if you are in a garage to preserve the battery.

You may consider turning off the alarm system if your vehicle is in a garage with a security system. The alarm system will drain your battery faster if it is left on. If you have no choice but to leave the alarm on, park the car outside and drive for at least 30 minutes per week to charge the battery.

You can charge your battery weekly by driving the car for no less than 30 minutes.

The battery must be able to store all memory for different computers as your car sits. Although it may not seem like much, the battery drain can add up over time and could lead to insufficient energy to start the engine.

Although you may think that a couple of weekly trips to get takeout is enough to keep your battery charged, it's not enough. The battery will not have enough time to recharge if you don't use it often or leave it parked for long periods. We recommend you drive your vehicle at least once weekly for 30 minutes. This will ensure that the battery is fully charged.

To preserve your battery, disconnect the negative terminal.

Many components inside your car, such as clocks, computers, and security alarms, draw power when the vehicle is not in use. This is known as key-off battery drain (or parasitic drain) and can cause you to have a dead battery after several weeks of no driving. You are disconnecting your battery from the chassis ground by disconnecting the negative cable first. You could cause damage to electrical components or parts if you accidentally slip the wrench onto any other part of the vehicle.

How to Disconnect Negative Terminals

  • Protective gloves and eyewear are recommended.
  • Locate the negative terminal at the top of your battery
  • Locate the black cap or minus sign next to the connector. The positive terminal has a red cap or plus sign.
  • To loosen the nut on the opposing connector, use a socket wrench (by turning counterclockwise).
  • By pulling the connector off, you can disconnect the negative one
  • It should be kept out of the battery

A portable jump-starter is available.

Car upholstery repair colorado springs offer a range of battery accessories and portable jump-starters to keep your battery working well. We offer a variety of portable jump-starters and battery accessories to help keep your battery in good condition.

If you have any concerns about your battery's reliability or if it is older than three years, you should have it tested professionally. Battery testing technology today can detect batteries nearing failure before they stop starting your car.